# Web engine

The following renderers are used on each platform

Platform Code Renderer Provider Browser compatibility
Android WebKit Ever-green Chromium
GTK gtk WebKit WebKit2 (minimum version >2.2)
macOS WebKit WebKit.WKWebView (bundled with OS)
QT qt WebKit QtWebEngine / QtWebKit
Windows edgechromium Chromium > .NET Framework 4.6.2 and Edge Runtime installed Ever-green Chromium
Windows cef CEF CEF Python Chrome 66
Windows mshtml MSHTML DEPRECATED: Internet Explorer MSHTML IE11 (Windows 10/8/7)

On Windows renderer is chosen in the following order: edgechromium, mshtml. mshtml is the only renderer that is guaranteed to be available on any system. Edge Runtime must be installed in order to use Edge Chromium on Windows. You can download it from here (opens new window). Distribution guidelines are found here (opens new window).

To change a default renderer set either PYWEBVIEW_GUI environment variable or pass the rendered value to webview.start(gui=code) function parameter. Check for available values in the Code column from the table above.

For example to use CEF on Windows

export PYWEBVIEW_GUI=cef


import webview

If you wish to pass custom settings to CEF, refer to this example

To force QT on Linux systems



import webview

# Known issues and limitations

# QtWebKit

  • Debugging is not supported