# DOM Support

Starting from 5.0 pywebview has got support for basic DOM manipulation, traversal operations and DOM events. See these examples for details DOM Events, DOM Manipulation and DOM Traversal.

# Global objects

webview.dom.window # Return serialized Javascript window object
webview.dom.document # Return serialized Javascript document object

# Create element

element = window.dom.create_element('<div>new element</div>') # insert a new element as body's last child
element = window.dom.create_element('<h1>Warning</h1>' parent='#container', mode=ManipulationMode.FirstChild) # insert a new element to #containaer as a first child

Manipulation Mode can be one of following LastChild, FirstChild, Before, After or Replace. LastChild is a default value.

# Get element(s)

element = window.dom.get_element('#element-id') # returns a first matching Element or None
elements = window.dom.get_elements(selector: str) # returns a list of matching Elements

# Basic information about element

element.id # return element's id
element.classes # return a list like object of element's classes
element.style # return a dict like object of element's styles
element.tabindex # return element's tab index
element.tag # return element's tag name
element.text # return element's text content
element.value # return input element's value

Some element's properties can be set or modified

element.id = 'new-id'
element.classes.remove('red-background') # remove .red-background class
element.classes.toggle('blue-border') # toggle .blue-border class
element.style['width'] = '200px'
element.tabindex = 108
element.text = 'New content'
element.value = 'Luna'

# Manupulate element

new_container = window.get_element('#new-container')
new_element = element.copy() # copies element as the parent's last child
yet_another_element = new_element.copy(new_container, webview.dom.ManipulationMode.FirstChild, "new-id") # copies element to #new-container as a first child
yet_another_element = yet_another_element.move('#new-container2') # moves element to #new-container2 as a last child
yet_another_element.remove() # remove element
new_container.empty() # empty #new-container from its children
new_container.append('<span>kick-ass content</span>') # append new DOM to #new-container

# Traversal

element.children # return a list of element's children
element.next # return a next element in the DOM hierarchy or None
element.parent # return element's parent
element.previous # return a previous element in the DOM hierarchy or None

# Element visibility and focus

element.hide() # hide element
print(element.visible) # False
element.show() # show element
print(element.visible) # True
element.toggle() # toggle visibility
element.focus() # focus element
print(element.focused) # True if element can be focused
element.blur() # blur element
print(element.focused) # False

# Events

DOM events can be subscribed directly from Python

def print_handler(e):

def shout_handler():

element.on('click', print_handler)
element.events.click += shout_handler # these two ways to unsubscribe from events are equivalent

element.off('click', print_handler)
element.events.click -= shout_handler # as well as these two

pywebview enhances the drop event to support full file path information.

window.dom.document.events.drop += lambda e: print(e['domTransfer']['files'][0]) # print dropped file full path information