# Application architecture

There are two ways to build your application using pywebview:

  • By using JS API bridge and serving static content with a built-in HTTP server. JS API bridge can be created either with create_window(..., js_api=Api()) or or window.expose function. To serve static contents, set entrypoint url to a local relative path. This will start a built-in HTTP server automatically. For communication between Python and Javascript refer to interdomain communication. See an example serverless application (opens new window) for a complete implementation.

You can also load HTML directly without a HTTP server using webview.create_window(...html='') or window.load_html. This approach has got limitations though, as file system does not exist in the context of the loaded page. Images and other assets can be loaded only inline using Base64.

  • By running a separate local web server. This way static assets and REST endpoints are served from the same server. When using a local web server, you should protect your API calls against CSRF attacks. See security for more information. See an example Flask-based application (opens new window)