Drag Drop
Less than 1 minute
Drag Drop
This example demonstrates how to expose Python functions to the Javascript domain.
import webview
from webview.dom import DOMEventHandler
def on_drag(e):
def on_drop(e):
files = e['dataTransfer']['files']
if len(files) == 0:
print(f'Event: {e["type"]}. Dropped files:')
for file in files:
def bind(window):
window.dom.document.events.dragenter += DOMEventHandler(on_drag, True, True)
window.dom.document.events.dragstart += DOMEventHandler(on_drag, True, True)
window.dom.document.events.dragover += DOMEventHandler(on_drag, True, True, debounce=500)
window.dom.document.events.drop += DOMEventHandler(on_drop, True, True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
window = webview.create_window(
'Drag & drop example', html='''
<body style="height: 100vh;"->
<h1>Drag files here</h1>
webview.start(bind, window)